Here are videos to help you learn Russian words for fruit and vegetables.
Here are picture dictionaries with pronunciation for fruit and vegetables.
Also, here is a picture dictionary for kitchen utensils.
Practice your spelling with this Hangman Game: Fruit and Vegetables I, Fruit and vegetables II.
Look through this list of useful dining out phrases and try to use them in your speech.
Learn the words for the most popular Russian dishes and how to order food in restaurants in Russian.
Watch this video modeling how to order food in the restaurant. Pay attention to the script, translation, and grammar notes on the right. Try to incorporate these expressions in your speech.
Practice food vocabulary with this exercises from “Beginner’s Russian” for food and drinks. Next complete this crossword for food vocabulary and take this quiz on food related topics.
Play this game to practice fruits and vegetables vocabulary.
Use these interactive flashcards to learn and practice the Unit Vocabulary. Use all the different modes (Flashcards, Gravity, Match, Text, etc.) both to memorize the words and to test yourself.
Practice conjugating the verbs ЕСТЬ and ПИТЬ
Review the rules for the formation and usage of the Instrumental case.
Practice the Instrumental case of pronouns, nouns, and adjectives.
Look at this page on the instrumental case which includes pronouns and more.
Review the rules for the formation and usage of the Accusative case.
Practice the Accusative case with this exercise on differentiating between nominative and accusative, and this exercise with adjectives and nouns.
Review the differences between Perfective and Imperfective aspects.
Do these exercises on aspectual verb pairs: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3.
Review the use of Future tense of Imperfective verbs: Exercise 1, and of Perfective verbs: Exercise 2.
Now practice using the Future tense in both Perfective and Imperfective aspects.
Reading Comprehension
Read these texts and check your reading comprehension: Text 1, Text 2.
Listening Comprehension
Listen to these audio clips and see if you can understand how to cook a dessert and a Russian vinegrete salad.
Do the same with this recording of two people discussing where to eat out.
Learn how to cook Russian blinis.
Enjoy some Russian recipes and photo gallery of Russian food from the UO REEES Club and cooking blog “Taste of Russia.”
Watch this video to learn about some common Russian dishes you can get at a cafeteria/canteen.
Watch this video to learn if Russians prefer borscht or burgers.
Learn about eating habits of Russians with this video.
How do Russian view vegetarians? This scene from “Everything is Illuminated” will show you.
Take a look at the website for this pizzeria in Moscow and learn what Russians like on their pizzas, and how much pizza costs. Next, listen to this short video of two people ordering pizza.
Find out what you can eat at Moscow restaurants.
This video will show you what you can eat at a typical Russian school cafeteria.
Watch a cartoon “Axe Kasha = Каша из топора”, the story of a talented chef’s hands that can work wonders.
Children’s song – «Пусть всегда будет солнце»
Звери – «Я с тобой»
Мумий Тролль – «Это по любви»
Мечтать- «Летчик»
Чайф – «Не со мной»
Кино – «Нам с тобой»
Андрей Макаревич – «Люблю я макароны»
МакSим – «Ты говоришь с солнцем»
Library Resources
Instrumental case: Russian in Exercises pages 147-154 (rules and exercises with answers); Grammar in Illustrations pages 66-68 and page 73; Introductory Russian Grammar pages 159-165 (rules and drills to practice).
Verbal Aspect: Russian in Exercises pages 202-209 (rules and exercises with answers); Grammar in Illustrations page 218 and pages 224-226; Introductory Russian Grammar pages 210-217 (rules and drills to practice).
Future Tense: Grammar in Illustrations p.215-217; Introductory Russian Grammar pages 137-138 (rules and drills to practice).
Food Vocabulary: Oxford Picture Dictionary pages 66-85.
Food in Russian Culture: The Russian’s World pages 143-190.