Quick Review of the First Year Material
Review all six Russian cases. Try to complete this general case knowledge test.
Here is another summary activity on asking questions.
Review present tense verb conjugation here and past tense conjugation here.
Use this huge set of interactive flashcards to review all the vocabulary you learned throughout year one. Use Match, Test, and/or Gravity modes.
Here is a video to help you learn weather vocabulary.
Complete these exercises to practice weather and seasons vocabulary: Exercise 1, Exercise 2.
Review the names of the months here.
See how well you can name the months and days of the week through this exercise.
Here is a crossword puzzle for the vocabulary related to the unit.
Practice making up sentences for the unit topics.
Use these interactive flashcards to learn and practice this Unit Vocabulary. Use all possible modes (Flashcards, Match, Gravity, Text, etc.) to memorize the words and test yourself.
Practice using ЕСЛИ vs. КОГДА in clauses with future tense.
Practice using the Dative case in sentences without subjects
Review how to form adverbs from adjectives.
Make sure to learn the differences between the usage of adverbs and adjectives. Use either an adjective or an adverb in these exercises: Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3.
Practice using the Dative case with preposition “К”.
Watch this video of a weather forecast segment from the Soviet TV news program «Время».
Find out what is the weather going to be in different parts of Russia this week.
Here are children’s poems for each of the twelve months.
Listening Comprehension
Listen and read this text and audio about vacation, and this text and audio about visiting a dacha.
Reading Comprehension
Check your reading comprehension with these texts about weather in the Baikal Region.
ДДТ- «Дождь»
Смысловые галлюцинации – «Апрель»
Павел Смеян – «Непогода»
Ляпис Трубецкой – «В платье белом»
Excerpt from the Soviet movie “Charodei” (Magicians)/ «Чародеи»- «Три белых коня»
Лицей – «Осень»
Луна – «Осень»
Алсу – «Зимний сон»
Луна – «Мальчик, ты снег»
Глюкоза – «Снег идет»
Кино – «Апрель»
Алла Пугачева – «Звездное лето»
Мумий Тролль – «Такие девчонки»
Полина Гагарина – «Спекталь окончен»
Library Resources (on reserve for 1st and 2nd year Russian)
Dative Case in sentences without subjects: Russian in Exercises pages112-114 (exercises with answers).
Dative Case with preposition “К”: Grammar in Illustrations page 64; Russian in Exercises pages 114-116 (exercises with answers).
Conditional clauses with ЕСЛИ: Russian in Exercises pages 220-221 (exercises with answers).
Prepositional case Ending in –У: Introductory Russian Grammar pages 176-177 (rules and drills to practice).
The Interrogative Particle ЛИ: Introductory Russian Grammar pages 355-357 (rules and drills to practice).